Monday 11 February 2013

Keep a Food Diary

You cannot solve a problem until you know what it is.

Chances are you think you are overweight because you eat too much.

If you simply think you are big boned you won't be reading this.

How much is too much?

You will probably be surprised at how much you eat.

The best way to find out is to keep a food diary.

This can be fun.

Write down everything you eat.

Photograph it if it is nice - if it is not nice why are you eating it?

Many people eat for the wrong reasons.

Listing what you have eaten is the first step in conquering your battle with food.

You don't need to tell anyone but keeping a food diary will let you know how big a problem you have.

Once you know what your problem is you can move onto the next step and fix it!

The Little Book of Weight Loss

 The Little Book of Weight Loss

Worrying about your weight and disliking your appearance is devastating to your self esteem. This little book will inspire you to lose weight by understanding the simple things you need to do. Losing weight is easy once you have the right mind set. This book will help change your relationship with food forever. Habits form after 3 weeks – if you follow the simple changes in this book after 3 weeks it should be easy. Replace your obsession with food with a love of your new self.
I follow the principles in this book and can prove that they work. I do not starve myself or exercise for hours each day.
This book, if you follow it’s guidelines will give you the freedom to forget about your weight. You will no longer be interested in how much you weigh because you will be focused on how great you look and feel.