Monday, 9 November 2015

Banish Addictive Foods from your diet.

It is easy to lose weight if you eat the right things.

The following are potentially addictive and can cause bloating and leave you feeling hungry:

1. Bread

Banish wheat and gluten.
No more cakes, biscuits, pittas, bagels, bread, focaccia...

2. Milk

Many have an unknown lactose intolerance. Why are we eating food designed for baby calves and which can have hormones in it?  

Banish all dairy except probiotic yogurt...

3. Sugar

Get rid of all processed food - it has hidden sugar and salt

4. Coffee

If you are giving up dairy you may as well ditch the caffeine too...

5. Alcohol

This one can stay in if you do not binge drink until you are truly converted to the rest.

What do you lose?

1. Fat not weight - there is a difference

2.That bloated feeling

3. Energy highs and lows - there is a science behind this but basically your body does not get a sudden insulin rush and withdrawal.  

4. Food cravings

5. Your appetite will reduce dramatically

6. Self loathing

7. Mood swings

What do you gain?

1. A fitter, slimmer body

2. A fitter, healthier mind

3. Self belief and pride

4. Taste - eating proper food brings back your taste buds

5. Revulsion of fast food 

6. Younger looking skin

What can you eat?

All fruit and vegetables, lean meat -beef ,lamb ,chicken, fish, eggs, nuts seeds, rice and noodles and potatoes occasionally. Try to avoid gluten free products as they are processed too.  Just eat meat and three or four vegetables.

Only drink water and one pure fruit and veg smoothie a day

What can you expect? 

No weight loss for the first week - you are not shedding water like fad diets you are losing fat. A pound of fat is made up of 3500 calories and this eating programme does not limit calories - you can eat as much as you want to feel full but the foods you are eating are not addictive so you will feel full naturally.  Meat has fat and protein which you need and which fills you up.

Weight will then start to reduce.

You will have a headache for the first 3 days if you suffer from caffeine withdrawal upon giving up coffee.

After 2 weeks you will feel great. After 3 weeks you will no longer crave the addictive foods you have given up.  You will start to think about doing more exercise - you will have more energy and want to get fit.

Why doesn't everyone do this? 

Until you decide to lose weight you won't. Once you make the decision to change and to put the benefits ahead of the bland taste of a donut or muffin you will lose weight.  It is not about will power.  It is about making a decision. You are in control of every decision you make - you just choose to believe you can't do it.  You can - it is possible for every human on this planet to eat healthily and well. Some choose not to and have a barrage of excuses. Change your self belief. Be the best you and choose to live a healthier, fitter, leaner life.

If you need help with this call me.

Important - consult your doctor before going on any diet as it may not be right for you.