Monday, 4 August 2014

The Food Angels are Waiting for You

What do you think of the food pictured above?
Beautiful, glorious and nutritious or...

Boring, rabbit food?

Still trying to fill that emptiness inside with food?

How about calling on the food angels to help you?

If this was the last day of your life would you spend it eating crisps?

No one has a plan to get fat and unhealthy but once they are they prefer to eat a mountain of chocolate than the elephant they perceive they have to get clear of their demons.

Try this:

Ask for help - today I am labelling them the food angels but God, higher spirit, universe, nature's bounty, the other, any label will do. Let go of control - trust the universe, connect with that 7 year old child inside of you and just ask for help. Not a plan. Not how. Not when. Just help.  Take deep breaths in and out and release your need to hold on to everything - including the fat. Just ask for help.  Call it a prayer, a rant or whatever you choose.

There are 3 stages to conquering this.  The first is recognizing where you are.  You don't have to beat yourself up but you do need to accept that you are in a place you don't want to be and you are the one who got you there. If you don't take responsibility for how it is you won't have the belief that you can change it.

So you are where you are because of decisions you made and actions or inactions you took. Daily actions that add up. Small actions that bit by bit destroy your radiancy and vigor. Just accept... do not judge. Accept and then ask for help.

Sincere acceptance and sincere wish for growth and freedom.

Try it... you will then feel ready and relaxed for stage 2...

Saturday, 2 August 2014

The Little Book of Weight Loss

 The Little Book of Weight Loss

Grab a pen and paper and write down the answers to the following:

If you can't be bothered we both know you will continue to eat to make you feel better. Looking for external instead of internal happiness prompts is the route to instant satisfaction and eternal pain. The instant satisfaction also wears off instantly so needs constant topping up - hence addictions.

If you are too lazy, scared, confused or there is some other emotional blocker to do this you can pay me £240 for a hour of my time and I will work it out for you.  If that sounds expensive add up how much you spent on chocolate this year.

Down to business:
Why do you want to lose weight?

Why do you eat?

When do you eat?

What do you eat?

You cannot solve  a problem until you identify it. Step 1

Decide to solve it - commit NOT try! Step 2

Take action Step 3

It is easy to lose weight if you do the above.

It is impossible to lose weight longterm if you rely on

Diets and willpower.  They are based on what you don't want to do and will power which runs out!

As a first step try buying my book - cheaper than a bar of chocolate!

Worrying about your weight and disliking your appearance is devastating to your self esteem. This little book will inspire you to lose weight by understanding the simple things you need to do. Losing weight is easy once you have the right mind set. This book will help change your relationship with food forever. Habits form after 3 weeks – if you follow the simple changes in this book after 3 weeks it should be easy. Replace your obsession with food with a love of your new self.

I follow the principles in this book and can prove that they work. I do not starve myself or exercise for hours each day.

This book, if you follow it’s guidelines will give you the freedom to forget about your weight. You will no longer be interested in how much you weigh because you will be focused on how great you look and feel.