Monday, 4 August 2014

The Food Angels are Waiting for You

What do you think of the food pictured above?
Beautiful, glorious and nutritious or...

Boring, rabbit food?

Still trying to fill that emptiness inside with food?

How about calling on the food angels to help you?

If this was the last day of your life would you spend it eating crisps?

No one has a plan to get fat and unhealthy but once they are they prefer to eat a mountain of chocolate than the elephant they perceive they have to get clear of their demons.

Try this:

Ask for help - today I am labelling them the food angels but God, higher spirit, universe, nature's bounty, the other, any label will do. Let go of control - trust the universe, connect with that 7 year old child inside of you and just ask for help. Not a plan. Not how. Not when. Just help.  Take deep breaths in and out and release your need to hold on to everything - including the fat. Just ask for help.  Call it a prayer, a rant or whatever you choose.

There are 3 stages to conquering this.  The first is recognizing where you are.  You don't have to beat yourself up but you do need to accept that you are in a place you don't want to be and you are the one who got you there. If you don't take responsibility for how it is you won't have the belief that you can change it.

So you are where you are because of decisions you made and actions or inactions you took. Daily actions that add up. Small actions that bit by bit destroy your radiancy and vigor. Just accept... do not judge. Accept and then ask for help.

Sincere acceptance and sincere wish for growth and freedom.

Try it... you will then feel ready and relaxed for stage 2...

Saturday, 2 August 2014

The Little Book of Weight Loss

 The Little Book of Weight Loss

Grab a pen and paper and write down the answers to the following:

If you can't be bothered we both know you will continue to eat to make you feel better. Looking for external instead of internal happiness prompts is the route to instant satisfaction and eternal pain. The instant satisfaction also wears off instantly so needs constant topping up - hence addictions.

If you are too lazy, scared, confused or there is some other emotional blocker to do this you can pay me £240 for a hour of my time and I will work it out for you.  If that sounds expensive add up how much you spent on chocolate this year.

Down to business:
Why do you want to lose weight?

Why do you eat?

When do you eat?

What do you eat?

You cannot solve  a problem until you identify it. Step 1

Decide to solve it - commit NOT try! Step 2

Take action Step 3

It is easy to lose weight if you do the above.

It is impossible to lose weight longterm if you rely on

Diets and willpower.  They are based on what you don't want to do and will power which runs out!

As a first step try buying my book - cheaper than a bar of chocolate!

Worrying about your weight and disliking your appearance is devastating to your self esteem. This little book will inspire you to lose weight by understanding the simple things you need to do. Losing weight is easy once you have the right mind set. This book will help change your relationship with food forever. Habits form after 3 weeks – if you follow the simple changes in this book after 3 weeks it should be easy. Replace your obsession with food with a love of your new self.

I follow the principles in this book and can prove that they work. I do not starve myself or exercise for hours each day.

This book, if you follow it’s guidelines will give you the freedom to forget about your weight. You will no longer be interested in how much you weigh because you will be focused on how great you look and feel.

Friday, 25 July 2014

Easy. quick beautiful meals

What is standing in your way? Ponder on that one and try to understand what thoughts and feelings lead you to unhealthy eating.

When I think about food I think about it as three things:

1. A gift - I feel gratitude that food is readily available
2. Nutrition - I categorize food as a fuel for my body
3.A visual delight - I focus on this sense rather than taste

It is also important to put food in it's place. Remove the emotional dependency.  How do yo do that? Change the way you think about it.  How do you do that?

Don't think about food. Your body will prompt you when it is hungry apart from that - forget it.

It is not impossible. It can be as easy or as difficult as you choose to make it.

You decide. Here is the decision path:

1. I no longer wish to be obsessed by food.
2. I choose to make this decision now.
3. I choose to embrace this choice and make it easy for myself because it is what I truly want.

So what to eat instead of McDonalds?
Here's one I made earlier.

Healthy Note:

Red peppers have more vitamin C than orange juice!

2 red peppers
2 red onions
3 cloves garlic
olive oil

3 courgettes
250 grams wild rice
large bunch parsley

Slice red peppers in half - remove seeds and white bits. Coat in olive oil.
Sprinkle olive oil on baking tray - bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees - until skin peels away.

Heat olive oil in frying pan
Finely chop red onions, garlic courgettes - fry together until soft.

Boil rice - I use open pan method for 20 minutes.
Drain rice.
remove red peppers from oven - chop into 1 cm squares.

Mix all ingredients together - I use scissors to chop coriander over dish and then mix in.

Salt and pepper to taste.

This is moist and sweet.

I eat it with English mustard but you may like it with sweet chili sauce!

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Who said Salads were Boring?

It is so simple to make quick, easy and delicious salads.

The more colours you have on your plate the healthier it is. I love beautiful things - clothes, furniture houses - why should food be any different?  Carrots are an amazing colour but they don't look so good  if they are simply sliced like coins. However they look gorgeous grated.

If food looks good you feel like eating it - it increases your appetite - your saliva juices start flowing.

This is very different from greed or unconscious eating - when you eat a whole bag of popcorn or crisps without even noticing.  And - how ugly are they - I never eat anything beige - what a boring, bland colour. There are a lot of beige foods that are processed and to be avoided at all costs - sausage roll is one I can't bear the sight of. Have you ever looked at a pork pie? The jelly looks disgusting and the marbled meat product looks vile. Pringles, nachos, quavers, hula hoops, crisps - I think they are all very ugly and I avoid looking at them.

Whilst we are talking about ugly food I think Coke/Pepsi is the ugliest drink out there. Dark brown and insipid looking  - what a ghastly colour! 

What should you drink - water only.  Carbonated drinks - I think taste and look horrible. Why drink sugared water or worse - diet drinks full of chemicals? They feed an addiction to sweet taste - everyone knows this but amazingly it is still for sale.

3 carrots
large bunch parsley  
pine nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins , sultanas - choose however many you fancy
Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, spoonful of honey - salad dressing

Grate carrots
Chop parsley
Whisk dressing
Toss all ingredients in a bowl together and viola - delicious and beautiful!!

Thought for the day -

Only eat beautiful food.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

No Time to eat Healthy Food?

We all have the same 24 hours in a day.  No matter how rich or poor, fat or thin, nice or nasty. Think about this next time someone tells you they don't have time to see you - especially in the dating arena - this is a choice - you are not a priority - it is that simple.

Back to food. If you tell yourself you do not have time to eat healthily you will make that your reality. This is simply an excuse. If eating healthily is important to you then you will make time to do it. If having your body function at its peak is important to you then you will make it your focus. If your mindset is that you want to be healthy and energetic and look your best then you will nourish your body to achieve this. It is within your control. You can choose what to eat. You can choose what not to eat.

What is your story about food?  Is food there to comfort you? Is food your crutch?  Do you eat when you are emotional? Do you eat junk food? Do you eat too much food? Do you suffer from indigestion? Do you eat so much that you stretch your stomach so that you are in pain? Do you keep eating even when you feel full? Do you feel uncomfortable after eating? Do you rely on indigestion tablets? Do you suffer from irritable bowel syndrome?

If the answer to any of the above is yes then do you accept that you have made poor food choices?

You can change your poor choices.
What if food was there to nourish your body? What if you only ate when you are hungry? What if food was there to enhance your life - not support your negative emotions? What if you could stop rewarding yourself for eating too much of the wrong type of food?

You can make the decision to change right now.

Back to time. It is easy to quickly cook healthy, beautiful  food.

The cabbage pictured above was made yesterday in 5 minutes.


Wash and slice cabbage.

Heat a pan of water.

Blanch cabbage in boiling water for 90 seconds.

Drain and serve.

Simple and delicious - try it!!

Friday, 11 July 2014

Food is Beautiful

Food appeals to more than just our sense of taste.

Have you noticed how beautiful it is?

Natural food that is.

A strawberry, apple, pear... they all look so gorgeous.

What does a crisp look like?
A Chip?
A sausage?
A slice of pizza with pepperoni all over it?

Why would you choose to eat such ugly things?

What about using feng shui with food? How about only eating that which is beautiful and needed? That would change your focus about eating and make you think about food differently.

Everything to do with food is in the mind. How about regarding it as a game and thinking that you will enjoy it but not obsess over it. How about letting it just be? How about forgetting about food?
So many people ruin their enjoyment of their own life over their constant worry about being fat.  How much time a day do you spend thinking about your weight? How much time a day do you spend talking about it? Do you have overweight friends who you can swap grumbles with? Do you deliberately choose friends who are fatter than you? Do you attend weight watchers or some other fat club where you can really focus on how fat you are? Do you spend time complaining that you cannot find nice clothes to fit you?

Does all of this make you feel better? Does it help you lose weight? Probably not.

Here's an idea.
Forget about your weight. Every time you think about your weight and start beating yourself up for being fat and out of shape - STOP. Think about your elbow instead. I am serious.  Thinking about your elbow is boring and you will soon get fed up but at least it is not damaging to your self esteem and your appreciation of the wonderful gift of life.

This is a fundamental key to losing weight. Stop focusing on it.
Try it.

I promise you, if you can do this, you will feel better and here's the sweetener - you will start to lose weight!